Thursday, August 21, 2008

Everyday Miracles

No matter how often it happens, it's seems like it's always just as exciting. You know, those situations where your back is against the wall, you've run out of options, and then something happens that you just can't explain. I had one of those experiences today. This morning, I had to take a Hebrew qualifying exam that would place me in appropriate Hebrew class here at the seminary. Unfortunately, I was not well prepared for the exam, having mastered only about 25% of the testable material. Although I was resigned to failing the test, I said a quick prayer. "Lord, I understand that I'm probably going to fail this test, but if you see fit that I should pass this exam, I will give You all the glory." With that I sat for the exam, doing the best that I could. And when the scores came back, I passed…but just barely. For a moment I felt like Daniel in the lion's den, being saved from certain death by Divine intervention. But then I realized that Daniel was delivered from his trial without a scratch. If I had been Daniel, I would have lost an arm or something. It got me thinking….sometimes we don't recognize miracles because they aren't the absolute smashing successes that Daniel or Gideon or Moses experienced. Every day, God is doing things around us and for us, yet we don't always see it. We think a miracle has to be outrageous to be real. But what about the everyday miracles? The flower that blooms, the strength that God gives just to survive, the little things that make life just that much more bearable. I'll tell you, I didn't escape from that test unscathed. I missed a lot of questions. But by the grace of God, I passed. Most people would look at that and say, "you're sure lucky that test was so easy." Honestly, that's me most days. But today, God got through. Reminding me of the moments where He is working, maybe not quite as spectacularly as the Bible records, but just as effectively. Reminding me of those everyday miracles.

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